Shock Report: The Life of European Jews in Hitler's Time *


Interned women lying on thin mattresses on the barracks floor...

Theresienstadt ghetto, Czechoslovakia, between 1941 and 1945...

Photograph taken after liberation.

Prisoners queuing for their daily soup ration.

Gas chamber of the Auschwitz main camp, immediatly after liberation.

Creamatorium I at Auschwitz I.

Dr. Josef Mengele, SS Officer
Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum...

German officer in the SS-Unterkunftsgebäude (SS accommodation building)

In the summer of 1944, the SS consisted of 4,500 soldiers. In the photograph you can see a column of SS soldiers...

Illustration from an anti-Semitic book for elementary school children. The sign says "The Jews are not welcome...

Illustration from a children's book. The newspaper titles say "The Jews are our misfortune" and "How the Jew...

Nazi storm troopers standing guard outside a shop run by a Jew, shortly after the annexation of Austria by Germany...

John Freund at the age of 10
Freund, John, 1930 -...

From left to right: John Freund (11 years), Erna and Gustav (his parents), Karel (his brother).



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